television channel

英 [ˈtelɪvɪʒn ˈtʃænl] 美 [ˈtelɪvɪʒn ˈtʃænl]

网络  电视频道; 频道; 一个电视频道



  1. The founder of the US cable television channel aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes has been charged with murdering his wife.
  2. Tv that was to be broadcast on a mainstream television channel yesterday evening.
  3. Turn on any television channel and you can watch a parade of authorities in various domains give their perspective on healthcare, airline security, the economy, and climate change, to name a few.
  4. MTV is the most popular television channel that shows music videos.
  5. It will revolutionize everything from robotic implants and neural prosthetics, to remote controls, which could be history in the foreseeable future when you can change your television channel by thinking about it.
  6. Several years ago her choice – which included abandoning a possible career at a television channel – would have been unorthodox for French graduates, who like most university-educated Chinese sought iron rice bowl jobs that guaranteed lifetime employment.
  7. The television channel and its many tentacles has transformed the idea of being foodie, once the province of boring recipe shows, into full-on adventure entertainment.
  8. EXAMPLE: The giant new business will be so important to the region that the local television channel is going to air a special, hour-long program about it.
  9. Another video: Evra takes up the mic to interview Park on the club's in-house television channel.
  10. A day watching CNBC, a financial television channel, or a few minutes trawling the internet should allow investors to come across every shade of opinion from perma-bear to super-bull.
  11. S í minn has invested heavily in the television industry in Iceland and owns Skj á r1, an Icelandic television channel. S í minn also broadcasts over ADSL and broadband.
  12. Meanwhile, United have refuted claims that the FA requested a copy of Sir Alex's post-match interview from the club's official television channel, MUTV.
  13. Pictures run by a Pakistani television channel and posted on the Internet showed one of the men hugging a woman and another apparently drinking a beer.
  14. Britain's faltering steps towards a fourth television channel.
  15. Karen Ward, a senior global economist with HSBC bank, addressed the issue during an interview on Russia's state-run english television channel, Russia Today.
  16. A British television channel is looking for volunteers for a documentary which will look into dead bodies during the process of decomposition.
  17. U.S.Jin Qiao first ethnic minority in Yunnan produced large3D animated theme "color Yunnan" children's television channel broadcast in Yunnan after he entered the CCTV Children's Channel.
  18. A local television channel has even started airing "revolutionary programming" at prime time.
  19. Mr de Narv á ez owns a newspaper and a television channel.
  20. The poll by television channel Food Network UK to coincide with the launch of Thank You Day also showed that one in20 said "nice one" instead.
  21. Shareholders have also gained from the group's controlling stake in TF1, which runs France's most popular television channel.
  22. On Saturday, the BBC Parliament digital television channel will broadcast the full seven hours and 40 minutes of the archive footage of live coverage of the day of Diana's funeral at precisely the same time as it was originally shown.
  23. A television channel may make any choice of minimum or maximum programming differentiation.
  24. In the United States, there is actually a television channel which shows videos 24 hours a day.
  25. An Indian television channel is looking out for good singers in the bathroom.
  26. In the case of the Wall Street Journal, this would mean considering what you can do with its information in print as well as on the Internet, as a television channel it is something that could be used across the overall breadth of News Corp.
  27. When a second television channel began to attract large audiences, controllers of the first channel decided to play the same game and fought back with more popular programmes.
  28. We are a television channel based in Doha, Qatar and we are looking for companies who can make Foam puzzles for us, based on our designs.
  29. We are a television channel based in Doha, Qatar.



  1. a television station and its programs
    1. a satellite TV channel
    2. surfing through the channels
    3. they offer more than one hundred channels

    Synonym:    channelTV channel